Shepherd pushes Grey to make a greater commitment to their relationship than she feels able to, and the two break up once more.
But that really makes no difference to our relationship, does it, Matt?
Martha let this altered situation make no difference to her relationship with her husband.
It made no difference to their relationship, and Ellen did quite well at the job.
"If they were to offer you a job, would it make any difference to our relationship?"
It does, however, provide something its rivals don't: an illustrated, indexed manual, which makes a surprising amount of difference to your relationship with the machine.
Would it make any difference to their relationship?
The fact that they'd once been married, for a few decades, had made no long-term difference to their relationship at all.
Not that it would have made any difference to our relationship.
And thank goodness she had not made any direct reference to his supposed relationship with Katie.