In particular, the contribution made to peacekeeping operations in Somalia has been a tribute to the courage and professionalism of Uganda's armed forces.
We'd made it to central operations a bit more straightforwardly than I might have preferred.
This award is made in recognition of outstanding contributions to consular operations.
It must make sense to development, operations, and project management in the IT groups.
WSJV made its full conversion to digital-only operations on February 17, 2009.
In February, the state ordered the utility to make improvements to its maintenance and operations.
Units 124 and 283 were disbanded and special warfare capabilities were made explicitly subordinate to conventional military operations.
The countries have neither the money nor the military forces to make a meaningful contribution to such operations.
We should be grateful to our American allies for the enormous contribution they have made to peace-keeping operations in Europe.
During his tenure as president the theme parks saw record profits, and various changes were made to the theme park's merchandise and operations.