With its several medicinal uses, it wasn't long before this potent plant began making its way to other parts of the world.
Throughout her teens, she appeared in various supporting roles and easily made the transition to young adult parts.
She made several voyages to West African parts in 1943.
The garage had also been made home to an ancient mower, automotive parts, and dilapidated metal lawn furniture.
The car, launched in August 2008, had minor changes were made to mechanical parts such as the suspension and gearbox.
These two ships made multiple trips to different parts of the Philippines and brought patients to Culion.
The Metropolitan made several tours to different parts of the diocese.
They made a number of cruises to different parts of the Empire with the squadron.
The fact that there is a good structure theory for Lie groups and their representations has made them integral to large parts of abstract algebra.
Several countries made claims to parts of the continent in the first half of the 20th century, while other areas remain unclaimed.