A call was made to residents by management around 3:30 PM; on that day, at least 5 residents moved in immediately.
The brothers also established the Franklin Mortgage Company to make loans to residents.
In 1990, Ocean Beach passed a law that made its beaches private, limited just to residents and their guests.
Mr. Quackenbush and his fellow supervisors proposed a plan last week to use county money to make loans to residents.
These purchases allowed the housing organizations to make new loans to residents who were otherwise considered "nonbankable."
A diversion to the dry bench was made in 1884, piping water to residents on 6th avenue and below.
Houston port officials have spent the last year lobbying Galveston officials and making their case to often hostile residents at town hall meetings.
Critics also say the Heritage Organization's preservation goals are making the area less hospitable to residents.
Con Ed has made several overtures to angry residents.
In 1910 telephone service was made available to local residents, with electricity making its debut in 1911.