The Archives has not made transcripts, and the tapes are not available to be played by broadcast outlets.
One order, issued Wednesday evening, makes public transcripts of more than 100 depositions both sides took over the last year or so.
You had friends present, who made transcripts immediately after the fact.
Since the goggles were useless, I dictated to Ego and had it make transcripts.
We don t make transcripts of audio segments right now.
And by the way, if you want to follow it more closely, don't forget Elaine makes transcripts of every episode.
For example, the Court makes available transcripts of its oral arguments, but the Justices asking the questions are not identified by name.
He made transcripts of the fiction, and of all the other major documents.
They regularly make transcripts of the genes whose information is needed to synthesize the cell's various proteins.
Formal introductions were made, ending with the stenographer, who would be making transcripts of the meeting.