The plant, which employs about 400 people, makes transistors and other microelectronic products.
In the 1950s (exact dates needed) they started a semiconductor manufacturing plant to make rectifiers and transistors.
Small value inductors can also be built on integrated circuits using the same processes that are used to make transistors.
Other researchers have made similar transistors, which already perform better than their silicon counterparts.
The main way of making transistors faster has been to make them smaller, so the current travels a shorter distance.
He will describe an experimental polymer that can be used to make organic transistors on a plastic substrate.
Small inductors can also be put onto integrated circuits using the same ways that are used to make transistors.
Its a new way to make smaller transistors that may or may not be feasible for large scale production.
Lehovec tested his idea using the technologies of making transistors that were available at Sprague.
Those youngsters back in the encampment were talking about making gravitational transistors!