He ate one doughnut and sipped enough coffee to make transporting it simpler, then took the stairs down to the orderly room.
These larger bombs size made transporting them to the airfield difficult.
The desk was typically made of wood, with sturdy iron handles located on each side, to make transporting it relatively easy.
This of course makes transporting files to other systems much more difficult, not to mention talking to true 8-bit devices.
"Too many ribs to make transporting the dome easy."
He had already heard about the planet's myriad magnetic fields, which made transporting anywhere a tricky operation.
Furthermore, a crate is a safe place for pets to sleep in, and make transporting easier.
The bay was frozen, making transporting supplies difficult, and it is hard to get labor on Fire Island in winter.
For once, Crusher was thankful that the gravity was out; it had to make transporting the two bodies easier.
Nearly a bridge is constructed to connect two sides of this area, and this makes transporting possible.