The tight, compact, stiff-riding Hummer made its way out of the city under Abdullah's careful control.
Several changes were made to the canal's course under Brindley's control and the canal was completed in 1764.
The American aid will be made available through a special fund under the Treasury Department's control, and does not require any Congressional authorization.
Morganna would have much preferred to make her debut here on her own terms, under her own control.
Mr. Cagney suggested that the indictment might have been made by a "runaway" grand jury not under the district attorney's control.
One possibility is that Saddam Hussein will make hostages out of the Americans and other foreigners now under his control.
Even those bracelets were made here, under our mental control.
During the Maoist era, these dossiers were consulted by work unit officials as they made decisions about the major life events of those under their control.
Nor is the tenant required to make changes in areas not under his control.
Since 1949, the government has made some changes in the area under its control.