In what at first seemed a compromise, Rifaat was made vice-president with responsibility for security affairs, but this proved a wholly nominal post.
In 1723 he was made vice-president of the ministry of foreign affairs for bringing about a very advantageous commercial treaty with Persia.
At first, Domitien was made vice-president of the political party and later was appointed to the position of prime minister.
Kennedy was made vice-president, with John Ball as president.
Li Yuanhong was made provisional vice-president and Huang Xing became the minister of the army.
He was made vice-president at the centenary meeting of the British Medical Association in 1932.
He held the same post in Tirard's ministry in 1888, and in 1893 was made vice-president of the chamber.
In August 1984 he was made first vice-president and prime minister.