But the game of watch it is a clever narrative trick, making viewers doubt whether anything that happens is serious or real.
An alternative strategy might be to build one strong night and make viewers really happy at least once a week.
But most of all it will make viewers marvel at the goodness in the citizens of Bayport.
Does his vague resemblance to Vanilla Ice make viewers nostalgic for the '90s or something?
A few companies, including Vivitar, make 3-D cameras and viewers for recreational use.
This image will surely make viewers long for those few remaining places on earth where simple moments can warm your heart.
And the few moments of genuine satire that follow make viewers realize what's missing.
A character who is related to someone and who makes viewers swing from hatred to understanding.
The entire collection has an airy, floating look that made viewers long for summer.
It features Brown playing a short "subliminal film" intended to make viewers who watched the programme unable to stand up from their seats.