His recent campaign has not been the kind of effort designed to make voters excited about a Green mayoralty.
Democrats said they wanted to make sure voters understood why the withdrawal provision was not advancing, even though it appeared to have the backing of most senators.
- the caucus process encourages grassroots campaigning that makes both voters and candidates better.
It was the economic uncertainty that made voters, paradoxically, stick with the party in power.
Mr. Edwards's top priority now is making sure his voters, particularly black voters, turn out.
Moreover, some analysts say, several factors are converging that could make voters, both women and men, increasingly receptive to women seeking office.
He wants to make sure voters pick their legislators, not the other way around.
No wonder rising income volatility makes voters more and more anxious about their economic prospects.
I am not in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office.
She says abortion is the issue that has helped to make both voters and candidates aware of other women's concerns.