While exploring the Congo, Stanley made contracts with native leaders.
Before 1998, those agreements were made in private horse-trading sessions with legislative leaders, a process that was derisively called "three men in a room."
He had never earlier made any overtures for dialogue with eastern religious leaders such as Hindus and Buddhists.
We can also make points with national leaders and spread a little badly needed goodwill.
There were annotations showing that he made contact with other leaders in the province.
Mr. Weicker said he would wait until next week before making appointments or meeting with Democratic and Republican legislative leaders.
Then flies halfway to Kabul making friends with various tribal leaders in order to get him back.
The connections he made there with future leaders helped him later in his business life.
They were unsuccessful in establishing the Institute, but they made contacts with other religious orders and leaders.
I make my way out, with several leaders taking their shots along the way.