"The queen has resolved to make a little excursion with the king to Saint Germain."
"But I thought he had withdrawn after making a treaty with the king."
Other lords made similar conventions with the king.
By June 1134, Ranulf's own supporters had melted away and he was forced to make peace with the king.
Stephen, not wishing to face several forces at once had to make concessions with the Scottish king.
The Boyd faction made itself unpopular, especially with the king, through self-aggrandisement.
With no allies, either at home or abroad, John had little choice but to make his peace with the king in the summer of 1476.
Lothair immediately made peace with the king to allow his hostage son to go free.
In London he made contact with the king, asking pardon for his part in the war and making a gift of £300.
He was the first to make peace with the king of the Swedes.