But that does not mean their makers have finally found a way to shake the traditional downward price pattern.
Even when the market is confined to domestic consumption, makers find it tough to meet the demand.
Some makers have found innovative ways of fending off boredom.
The makers of Monopoly today found themselves in a real-life battle of high finance.
Surveillance-software makers may also find a market in retail stores, and not just for catching shoplifters.
Recently, pulque makers have found a way to preserve the beverage in cans.
Women, the maker of Viagra has found, are a lot more complicated than men.
Pet-food makers are also finding new ways to market dog biscuits.
They know that, but perhaps one well-known American maker of tape - magnetic and adhesive - has found a new ploy.
Of course, makers of luxury cars, whose products have often been stolen in the past, find the device helpful, too.