They met, standing on opposite sides of the makeshift arena, Sola standing anxiously near.
Sacramento sold out its makeshift arena for every game last season and is close to selling out the new, bigger one.
One by one the 132 cows were led into a small, makeshift arena, and their pedigrees were read.
In a makeshift arena on the building's roof, Joker challenges Batman to a fight as monsters in front of hovering news helicopters.
Buses from throughout western Turkey began arriving here well before the first fight, and by midmorning many fans had set up picnic tables around the makeshift arena.
The sight of the two bloodied figures in the middle of the makeshift arena horrified him, stopping him in his tracks.
Wheezing, the half-Chuchyin crawled off the makeshift arena, covered with black smears.
Between them lay the crystal, on a flat rock in the center of the makeshift arena.
By contrast, entertaining troops in past wars was often accomplished in makeshift arenas and open fields where thousands gathered.
On the other side of the makeshift arena was a group of hill people, all-yelling for their man-"Doyle," it turned out-to get up and do something.