Previously, the only recourse had been the makeshift device of mixing the fetuses in furtively with raw waste from the fish market.
In turn, that led to the belief that the odd currency must be a makeshift device on the part of threatened men who had pooled their resources.
Around 7:30 yesterday morning, however, a small makeshift explosive device blew out a window of a catering kitchen at 542 West 46th Street.
Everyone was staring at Calhoun as he calmly picked up the fallen cup and placed the makeshift device back into his satchel.
However, due to the scarcity of brass, they had to manufacture makeshift devices which were made of well-seasoned wood.
Aranimas lunged for the aerosol with his freehand and nearly got it, his arm span being almost equal to the makeshift device?
At the deputy's desk, Iron Man soldered a last connection on the makeshift device before him and cybernetically shut off the mini-laser.
She took out the makeshift device Permenter had given her and plugged it into a port on the shuttle's main console.
A new training area was constructed in the boat house to help team members practice proper stroke technique, replacing the antiquated makeshift device that had been used previously.
Rugan herself was thrown into the makeshift device, cracking a connection to the pipe network.