The $175 package includes a one-hour makeup lesson, a facial, a manicure, a hair restyling and a light lunch.
Despite the facials, makeup lessons, product samples and custom-made products, improving service rests on basic principles.
The store also plans to offer makeup lessons.
After the makeup lesson, we all went off to the Studio Theater, a small auditorium, for the costume session.
The manservant, Wu, took me in hand in his own way and gave me makeup lessons.
A private school teacher and freelance sportswriter, she was having a makeup lesson on the Salon Level.
Then come makeup lessons, with a hard sales pitch to buy this set of products, now, at a special rate, raising the makeover's total cost to $760.
Makeup applications outside the salon cost $200; makeup lessons, a whopping $500.
Meanwhile, other cosmetics companies are attacking the problem by offering makeup lessons at the department-store counter.
The night before my makeup lesson - application and personal color chart ($75, including $45 worth of products) - I had two hours of sleep.