Danny turned our makeup trailer into an oasis of order amid the chaos and oftentimes panic of the set.
Big eighteen-wheelers were wedged against the soundstage walk, belly to butt with costume trailers and makeup trailers and a honeywagon.
Christine McVie was about ten hours out of the makeup trailer.
And let me tell you, when you go into the makeup trailer at the crack of dawn, you know what kind of shape someone's in.
"We went into the makeup trailer and the makeup lady said, 'We have to make your eyebrows a little darker so you look more like his sister.' "
I remember my grandma having a small role in the movie and sitting with her in the makeup trailer and thinking how beautiful she was.
In the makeup trailer, Leinart and Meyer sit side by side, eyes closed, getting powdered.
We were just talking about that in the makeup trailer earlier.
She is embarrassed that she is the biggest person in the makeup trailer, and her parents are worried about how her weight is affecting her health.
Just as much to pass the time as to get something usable, Winterbottom started shooting Coogan and Brydon in their makeup trailer.