Most relationships will get strained at some time, resulting in their not functioning optimally and producing self-reinforcing, maladaptive patterns.
Many individuals have diagnosable Axis I symptoms but also suffer ingrained, maladaptive patterns of interpersonal relating, thinking and feeling that go beyond these diagnoses.
The question of how maladaptive patterns of interpersonal behaviour could arise from early childhood experiences in the family of origin was postulated within psychoanalytic theory.
Therefore the maladaptive pattern of interpersonal behavior and the therapist's response interfere with the task or process of therapy.
Behavior therapy/applied behavior analysis - Focuses on changing maladaptive patterns of behavior to improve emotional responses, cognitions, and interactions with others.
"That does clearly indicate a maladaptive pattern of behavior," she said.
Many NLP techniques rely on interrupting maladaptive patterns and replacing them with more positive and creative thought patterns which will in turn impact on behavior.
How can you tell if you have a "maladaptive pattern of Internet use?"
Lack of insight (shows low openness) is characteristic to all personality disorders and could explain the persistence of maladaptive behavioral patterns.
The relationship between an individual's level of affect consciousness and attachment style may have implications in psychological treatment at changing maladaptive affective and relational patterns.