The money was used to buy 270,000 nets, which were distributed to protect an estimated 540,000 people from the risk of mosquito-borne malaria infection.
When taking mefloquine to treat malaria infection, you need higher doses, and central nervous system side effects are common.
The malaria infection of this district is three times the national average.
Uncomplicated malaria infection can progress to severe disease or death within hours.
Africa accounts for a majority of malaria infections and deaths worldwide.
Over 80 percent of the 300 to 500 million malaria infections occurring annually worldwide are in Africa.
The leading cause of death was malaria infection.
At the time, scientists thought these antibodies were the body's prime defense against early malaria infection.
It is the only known drug to cure both relapsing malaria infections and acute cases.
Effects of malaria infection in human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected Ugandan children.