Areas of origin of the bean correspond to malarial areas.
"They come here for malaria pills," she said, referring to a standard preventive tablet in high-risk malarial areas like Zimbabwe.
The primary alternative, doxycycline, must be taken every day, beginning a couple of days before the visit and continuing four weeks after leaving the malarial area.
It was suicidal to remain in a malarial area without supplies of quinine.
The region was remote, wild and dangerous and was also in a particularly unhealthy malarial area.
But we're not in a malarial area, are we?
Malaria - the far north is a malarial area so consult your doctor.
There is a year long deferral for those who have visited a malarial area.
I had, in fact, got into the habit of paying little more attention to them than one would to mosquitoes in a known malarial area.
Travel to malarial areas will carry greater risks and is best avoided.