For a fee, rack up on the old tables in the billiards room, still something of a male bastion.
Feminist groups say these institutions are still basically male bastions, although many academics disagree.
Princeton is really seen more as an old guard, white male bastion.
It would also be interesting to look at what happens once you remove the male bastions of sport and business.
Even Harvard, long a male bastion, has begun to tilt toward women.
Women moved in large numbers into previous male bastions - especially professions like medicine and law - during the last decades of the 20th century.
At the time, though, many law schools remained male bastions.
I find our educational institutions to be the last male bastions.
His most radical move was to bring coeducation to a male bastion.
The most powerful male bastion in American sport, and perhaps the last, is pro football.