Women had played a large part in many of the struggles, even fighting alongside their male comrades on the barricades.
Male poets would use the female narrative voice, as a persona, to lament being abandoned by a male comrade or king.
In this physical world, women say they often have to tailor their personalities to earn the respect of male comrades.
Or had the three women and their two male comrades finally found Angus McNair?
That was one reason why the young men were encouraged to take lovers among their male comrades.
The women who joined bandit groups, often termed cangaceiras, dressed like their male comrades and participated in many of their actions.
One by one, Desiree Candeille's comrades, male and female, who had accompanied her to England, returned to their own country.
These women kept culture alive in the male dominated units, encouraging cleanliness and productivity among their male comrades.
The woman must not reach her three male comrades, and he was the only one in a position to do anything about stopping her.
That last had been addressed to his two male comrades.