In 1978 and 1980, two further hairless female kittens were found in Toronto and were sent to Holland to be bred with Prune's last surviving male descendent.
The father - that is, the owner of the land - bequeaths only to his male descendents, so the Promised Land passes from one Jewish father to his sons.
Earldoms only pass to direct male descendents.
In Portugal, the eldest male representative of the latter branch - with male descendents - is João (John) Lopes Holtreman, Victor's uncle.
The mourning period is seven days for the male descendents and unmarried daughters and three days for married daughters of the deceased.
But by the influence of the Brahmin, a thirteen day 'shraddha' is being observed in recent times by the male descendent and male lineage.
Until the early 2000s, the house was owned almost continuously by direct male descendents of Foulk Davis, who came to Long Island in 1642.
Don Jose Vidal has few living male descendents.
As the senior male descendent of Margaret Tudor, he had been favoured as the next successor for several years before Elizabeth's death in 1603.
Owain I was the eldest male descendent of Rhodri the Great through paternal decent.