Willard concluded that an addition to the library and more classroom space was more pressing than a male dormitory.
It was built as an all male dormitory designed to house 242 men.
However, the male dormitory is undergoing renovations due to a problem with the plumbing, leaving Riki without a place to stay.
Each residence hall, including the male dormitories, nominates a woman to compete as their representative in the February event.
McPherson pulled up outside the male dormitory.
South Hall, originally a male dormitory, houses the Politics and English Departments.
This female dormitory was originally a male dormitory.
Then a pair of frame barns were connected to the main building to serve as male and female dormitories.
Originally a male dormitory, it is now carpeted, individually heated with semi-private baths.
Kelly Hall still serves today as the male dormitory and cafeteria.