We've gone from a landed white male elite to where everybody has the right to vote, if you're properly registered.
Her 15-year-old son, Robert, was leaving the stresses of St. Albans, the private incubator of Washington's male elite, for public school in Austin.
The Nile Club, a members-only group of Oakland's male elite, built a theater next to Ginn House.
Her deeply personal poems, however, tended to embarrass the male elite, including major critics such as B. Rivkin and Sh.
Male lawyers, male clergy and the male elite were all highly resistant to change.
What is especially appalling to the women is that it appears that this is not just the view of a tiny minority in Britain's male elite.
While bestsellers are written on Franklin, Washington, Adams, and '1776', many modern, cultural historians shun white male elites.
In 1929, the Marian Fathers opened Lyceum St. Nicholas, which educated Christian male elite until 1949.
The practice was reserved to male elite (Bashir Mohamed, The Arts of Muslim Knight, page 9).