The Factory, which had some influence on Midnight Cowboy, then decided to make their own picture about a male hustler.
The term eventually came to describe "a young male hustler, a gangster, a hoodlum, or a ruffian".
The following novels, memoirs, and plays feature male hustlers as major characters.
A male hustler in his adolescence, he was shot by a customer and left with a limp.
Cash has so few convictions that he carries on with both male hustlers and the wife of a burnt-out left-wing film director.
That was the year he was reprimanded for allowing a male hustler to use his office to promote prostitution.
What difference, some might ask, does it make if it was written by a young male hustler or a middle-aged mom?
He had dropped out of school in the eighth grade, committed robberies and worked as a male hustler.
Toby is a small-time drug user and male hustler.
His novel User (1994) is a lyrical descent into the world of junkies and male hustlers.