They speak of throwing rocks at taxis, assaulting the female jogger and beating two male joggers.
A seventh, Michael Briscoe, 18, is charged just in a nearby attack on a male jogger.
A seventh defendant, Michael Briscoe, 17, is charged only in the attack on the male jogger.
They were also indicted in an assault that same night on a male jogger in Central Park.
The three also charged in the assault on the male jogger were the Santana, Lopez and Richardson youths.
Many of the suspects were already in custody, suspected of assaulting a male jogger.
Another 15-year-old is charged with attacking a male jogger.
All were charged with robbery in an attack on a male jogger in the park.
On charges that the youths had robbed a male jogger of his radio, their votes went from a near-acquittal to a conviction.
Jurors said they had difficulty in agreeing to find each youth guilty on three charges of second-degree assault involving two male joggers.