Migration of male laborers from Fujian, steadily increased into the 18th and 19th century.
It is believed that these male laborers married aborigine women, creating a new ethnic group of mixed people.
These male laborers were known as "Hunkies."
Despite having twice the percentage of females in the actual labor force, Turkey's female to male laborer ratio is far lower than Iran's, 0.35 to 0.44.
The expansion of the railroad and cattle drives in the late 19th century brought many male laborers to the rough town on the frontier.
The first Sikhs in Belgium were predominantly male laborers with limited education, sharing a rented house and dividing the costs.
The family farm was in dire straits, having been so severely depleted of male laborers.
Single, young, male laborers were initially the largest group using chain migration to the United States in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
The male laborers were hauling tents out of the wagons and setting them up all around the great circle.
How do you convince a male laborer that a woman can be his boss?