It functions as both a prison service and a hospital service, providing advanced clinical treatment and programs for both male and female occupants.
"Isn't it a fact you told them there were only three male occupants of the vehicle?"
Tonight it is a Ford Escort with two male occupants.
The young male occupants of a car at the next crossing looked at her too, but said nothing because of Barney.
Facing them were an armchair and a sofa bearing male occupants, each man in tie and jacket.
A tractor trailer on U.S. Route 280 washed away, killing the three male occupants of the vehicle.
So was the room's one male occupant, a sallow-skinned man who was boredly picking through a tray of chocolates as he looked up at us.
A male occupant of the apartment entered while the woman was being attacked, Lieutenant Spano said.
Something told him that the male occupant had deliberately taken the trash with him.
Suddenly, the machinery of the capsule lights up and the male occupant begins to revive.