"Violent aggression seems to be almost entirely a male prerogative," Mr. Genelin said.
I have seen businesswomen sip wine and occasionally enjoy a beer with their co-workers, but the roadie seems to be a mostly male prerogative.
Other Berlusconi enthusiasts in the tent were there not to protect democracy but to defend their vision of the male prerogative.
Cynicism was not a male prerogative.
I've always had the impression she accepts my father's job and lifestyle as male prerogative.
Still, the obsession with lawns seems overwhelmingly a male prerogative, maybe the next big guy thing after smoking cigars and swilling martinis.
Sweet-talking words is for a woman: standing your ground is a male prerogative.
But few Mexicans would venture that adultery, which has been a male prerogative and a statistical norm here, is really on the wane.
Among other things," he said, "the art hierarchy is protecting the male prerogative.