She reported that a common male reaction is, "Am I going to catch something?"
"After 20 minutes I had the other typical male reaction: I couldn't breathe."
But once he got past the pure male reaction to seeing as much flesh on glorious display, his professionalism asserted itself.
If a woman's blood contains an Rh-negative factor, the pendulum gives a male reaction!
It wasn't such an unusual male reaction to that kind of nightmare situation, after all.
She sees the work, in which a woman stumbles upon the dead body of her lover, as a paranoid male reaction to female sexuality.
Anyway, she talked to her doctor about it, unbearably, and he says that this is quite a common male reaction to pregnancy.
And don't go telling me that's the typical male reaction.
Tried to tell himself it was just a male reaction to a beautiful woman.
You want me to rewrite your healthy male reaction to a beautiful gir!