Why is the male rite of passage universal, across so many cultures?
Rites of passage cover initiation, name-giving rites and male and female coming-of-age rites.
Instead of plunging herself and her audience into the subterranean world of male rites and betrayals, she behaves like a girl playing with her brother's G.I. Joe dolls.
This drum is very versatile and is usually played during celebrations, festivals, weddings, male and female rites of passage, and sometimes funerals.
The ear-shooting festival is a male rite of passage ceremony in Bunun culture.
You quote Dr. Willard Gaylin, a psychiatrist, who sees such sports as a male rite of passage and states that less than 1 percent of hang-glider pilots are female.
I wasn't any more familiar with cameras than I was with male rites of spring, but I examined it and concluded a roll of film remained inside it.
In some cultures, eating red meat is considered a masculine activity, possibly due to traditions of hunting big game as a male rite of passage.
According to her the Bible was an attempt to change that symbolism and celebrate the victory of male oriented rites and gods.