In turn, males seek matings with all the females.
Thus males must aggressively seek to parry any such threatened thrusts.
During this time, Xhosa males could only seek employment in the mining industry as so-called migrant labourers.
All males with cystitis should seek the advice of their health care practitioner, particularly if it is recurrent.
The males are polygamous and will seek several females to breed with.
Never-married males 28 to 30, of whom there are 2.1 million, may seek wives among the 1.9 million females 25 to 27.
The tiny male seeks another feeding symbiont that contains a developing female.
Six males and eight females are not tenured or seeking tenure.
After laying eggs, females guard the redd from four to 25 days before dying, while males seek additional mates.
"Handsome, intelligent male, late 40's (but looks much younger) seeks lively female counterpart with great legs."