That was only the beginning of Balanchine's metaphor for male-female relations, and even the human condition.
In fact, I felt he was more than ready to discuss male-female relations.
Both duets offer a surface theme of male-female relations but are really about movement quality.
An objective experiment with bodies extended into space or a dramatic statement about male-female relations?
Dissociated images, often repeated, have added up to a grim view of male-female relations.
It a view that Strindberg, in his plays about male-female relations, would have recognized.
They all mean the same little black box that, having transformed television, now threatens male-female relations.
He then wrote a cycle of plays concentrating on male-female relations, in which his heroes were often great historical persons.
In addition, all-male institutions can produce a culture of male-female relations that is not everything one might wish.