Under the measure, divorce would still be more complicated for a woman than a man, reflecting the conservative nature of this male-oriented society.
Much as I would love to, this is a male-oriented, primitive society and that sort of thing just isn't done.
NOTE: There are other instances in the play where a woman stands for individuality against a male-oriented society.
Women today have been sold a bill of goods by the male-oriented society which is stressing achievement rather than being.
She was the only woman among nearly a thousand men-and in a male-oriented society.
It's one reason we tend to develop male-oriented societies.
Japan is a very male-oriented society, but I have established a sort of niche for myself as a visitor.
The oppression by individual men and a male-oriented society.
Our male-oriented society is attracted to the contradiction, a male appearing as the "ultimate female," but because that inclination undermines his machismo, he fears it.
In Korea's male-oriented society divorce is relatively uncommon because the consequences are generally so negative for women.