When Masney glanced up he was startled by his friend's malevolent expression.
A drppout, one of London's forgotten people, all the hatred and resentment concentrated in that malevolent expression.
Teldin's mind was too numb to be surprised, and he could not read the malevolent expressions on the neogi's faces.
Why the man should hate her so she could not guess; but that he did was evidenced by the malevolent expression of his surly countenance.
Without that malevolent expression, she could smile at him, but it lacked the earlier warmth.
The eye holes deep craters, the lips torn and twisted into the ultimate in malevolent expressions.
He shuddered at the malevolent expression on the features of that death's head.
After that he gathered them all up again and, with a set, malevolent expression on his face, burned them.
The most malevolent expression imaginable came over Death Master's visage.
A moment later, a dark lady appeared in the doorway, of elegant appearance and malevolent expression.