She cast a malevolent look at the clicking instrument.
Anselm noted the man had a most malevolent look in the one eye.
Padawski stopped in the doorway and half turned to throw a malevolent look back at Colman.
The manikin threw a malevolent look at Corbett and fled into the darkness.
One woman gave Banks a particularly malevolent look, the kind she probably reserved for child molesters.
It shows Sinterklaas with a mutilated face and a malevolent look.
I was rewarded with another malevolent look and a string of sighs.
He gave Bourciez a malevolent look which said, especially him.
And before anyone could answer she left the chamber, casting a malevolent look at Otter as she went.
He gave her a dark, malevolent look, and, taking her arm, suggested, 'Come inside.'