Now, less than half an hour after the delivery of her and Kirk's malformed child, Teilani remained under intense watch in the intensive-care unit of the Klingon medical facility.
Others have asked for evidence of the charges we have made that malformed children, YOUR children, are born, CREATED, and used as slave labour.
She sees a physically malformed child vending goods outside the church.
Tio Holtzman on Poritrm had taken her under his wing, and Zufa was grateful for the pity the great scientist had shown her malformed child.
I know how they treat Strangers, and their own malformed children.
Or, as another example, perhaps a woman has given birth to several seriously malformed children, who have died.
But the words of parents about their dead or malformed children are even sadder.
He was terribly afraid she'd always be inside his head now - it was as if she had somehow raped him, and left him with the fertilized seed of some malformed and freakish child.
Among these was a malformed child whom Aldur named Beldin.