The second of which, a smaller, malformed head named Sparta, grows out of his shoulder, and is in a constant state of disagreement with the largely pacifistic Nathaniel.
It fell forward onto all fours, unable to find the balance in its single form, shaking its malformed head again and again.
These frequently include cleft lip and/or palate, body wall defects, malformed head, and defects of the neural tube, kidneys, and diaphragm.
Shenk lifted his malformed head, and his red gaze fixed on the weapon.
He lay staring at the malformed head that rose dimly above him, and cautiously he extended a hand toward the sword at his hip.
This crime had severe physical complications for Vertus-namely a harshly irradiated and malformed head, with an actual hole in his skull.
But his decision was made more for the woman's sake than for the baby's, whose malformed head and unmoving limbs gave early indication of the damage the difficult birth had infficted.
How could he dare to tell the ladies of the village that this grotesque, malformed head that he was shaping was an Old One?
A figure with a malformed head stumbled along the roadside, and Josh recognized the same disease that both he and Swan had.