To a herbivorous race like the Zarticku, such creatures seemed to have cruel and malicious natures, posing potential threats to a gentler species.
But, despite this apparently egocentrical, lying and malicious nature, the person who uses the malandragem is not necessarily selfish.
It did not occur to me until the other night, when Humphrey and Jasper revealed their malicious natures.
But he decided to downplay the entity's malicious nature.
The study looked at the browser's capability to prevent users following socially engineered links of a malicious nature and downloading malicious software.
I had committed no serious crime and had been cursed neither with a malicious nature nor violent temper.
Despite his malicious nature, the youngest of the Chittenden boys possessed a remarkable faculty for soothing his aged parent.
'They think you're--you're drowned,' replied the boy, who in his malicious nature had a strong infusion of his master.
In the often malicious nature of things, it was also one of the very few worlds known to harbor life.
After the confirmation, Fish went immediately to work and collected, classified, indexed, and bound seven hundred volumes of correspondence of a malicious nature.