Their weapon is malicious thought itself, not techniques which, in principle, can be detected and observed.
She doesn't have a malicious or dirty thought in her head.
Having absorbed everyone's malicious thoughts, Kiruru transforms into a monster and rampages through the city.
A particularly malicious thought crept out of her mind.
She does not possess one malicious thought or deed.
But even apple trees can have malicious thoughts (ask any botanist) and if the consequences for the world were unfortunate, then so be it.
But then again, maybe he's just sitting there, thinking, without a menacing or malicious thought in his head.
A malicious thought has come to me: what will become of the petty national protectionist behaviour which we have witnessed in recent years?
McLeish repressed the malicious thought that this event might put Francesca's nose just a little bit out of joint.
The samurai were debating the issue with some frustration, when a malicious thought occurred to Okiku.