Like millions of other computer users, he had blithely opened the door to a malicious virus that corrupted several files and replicated itself in a swarm of new I-Love-You's, this time purporting to come from Mr. McCloskey.
The casino computer virus is a malicious virus that upon running the infected file, copies the FAT to RAM, then deletes the FAT from the hard disk.
Software that scans internal/external drives, emails and attachments for malicious viruses and worms, and removes them or prevents them entering your computer system.
But it's easy to build malicious viruses which duplicate themselves and then erase data files.
The creator of a malicious virus wants the virus to infect hundreds of systems.
In recent weeks a number of new, malicious and destructive viruses have been detected on the Internet and in the networks of several large organizations.
As SPDR attempts to fix Melissa, random dumps from Melissa's memory began to spill into the website, largely detailing Melissa's history and revealing the presence of a malicious Trojan-horse virus known as the "Pious Flea."
When someone receives the Spyware, it is sent to the person's contact and the contacts will open it, spreading the malicious virus everywhere.
How about a responsible group, like the World Wide Web Consortium, starting a national, or better yet, an international fund to offer rewards for identifying, arresting and convicting anyone who writes or purposely distributes a malicious virus or worm?