His eldest son, Benjamin, was born with a malignant form of cancer in his left eye.
Multiple colon carcinomas have also been associated with progression of polyps to a malignant form.
During his incarceration, Johnny developed a highly malignant form of lung cancer brought on by a 38-year smoking habit.
This leads to the supposition that the word virus assumed a specially malignant and lethal form in the white race.
It often takes a malignant form wherein the newcomers may be subjected to psychological or physical torture.
He will pop up every few years after this election like malignant form of plant-eating caterpillar.
Intraocular lymphoma is a rare malignant form of eye cancer.
The malignant form, which can spread from the appendix and be fatal, generally requires extensive surgery of the colon.
Other definitions only include consciously malignant forms of discrimination.
Yes; they say it is the malignant form.