Suddenly he was stricken with typhus fever of a very malignant type.
Although some ependymomas are of a more anaplastic and malignant type, most of them are not anaplastic.
Some say it is a sort of vaccination that renders death by some malignant type of fever less probable.
Benign, borderline, and malignant types of serous tumors account for about 30% of all ovarian tumors.
They are the most malignant type of canine mammary tumor.
Neuroblastoma is one of the few malignant types of cancer that sometimes goes away on its own, for no obvious reason.
The malignant type is an intravascular lymphoma, usually of the diffuse B-cell type.
But it will probably not grow back, he says, because it was not a malignant type of tumor.
All are potentially of the malignant type, to be propitiated by an appeal to knowledge of the supernatural.
While still in the cradle he had been attacked by smallpox of the most malignant type.