So far, Dell's dalliances with retail have come primarily in the form of a mall kiosks.
By June 3, 2010, Dell had also shut down all of its mall kiosks in Australia.
Street furniture is made up of formats such as bus shelters, newsracks, mall kiosks, and telephone booth advertising.
Some computer kiosks provide a free, informational public service, while others serve a commercial purpose (see mall kiosk).
A large portion of these locations were in mall kiosks.
In recent years, the company has added new channels of distribution, namely Target stores, mall kiosks and the Internet.
The service will begin in June, starting online and at a handful of mall kiosks.
During the holiday season, they operate shopping mall kiosks as well.
I tested this service as a walk-up customer at a mall kiosk paying retail price.
Some entrepreneurs have placed such units in mall kiosks.