This was a decrease from an estimate of 1023 million malnourished people in 2009.
In 40 years, the share of malnourished people in the developing world has been more than halved.
There are now more malnourished, sick, uneducated and unemployed people in the world than there were 10 years ago.
The party produced a film which showed malnourished people in the region.
Since severely malnourished people cannot eat solid food, atmit is an ideal way to get them essential nutrients.
Babies, older or ill adults, or malnourished people have low body fat.
Whilst the second verse goes, pictures of malnourished people appears.
It may be used to supplement the action of the indicated remedy in such anaemic or malnourished people.
There are still thousands of hungry and malnourished people in Somalia.
Madam President, large numbers of malnourished people still deserve our concern.