Medical malpractice reform is the best way to reduce the costly practice of defensive medicine.
The American people deserve to benefit from the reduced costs and quality care that are the result of meaningful malpractice reforms.
He also wants to lower medical costs through medical malpractice reform.
If malpractice reform fails, at least let people opt out of the right to sue in exchange for cheaper health insurance.
We can do this by allowing businesses to band together to buy insurance, allow individuals to purchase insurance across state lines, and medical malpractice reform.
He says his plan can be introduced without major tax increases by limiting the growth of health- care spendingexpenditures and and through malpractice reform.
He supports medical malpractice reforms as well as tax credits to increase access to insurance.
To lower costs by enacting meaningful medical malpractice reform, decreasing the practice of defensive medicine.
There is evidence that malpractice reform helps reduce some of this defensive medicine.
Its analysis of the data, , published in 1990, has colored debate about malpractice reform ever since.