This type of opsin is expressed throughout the mammalian body.
In a typical mammalian body such as the human body, the body orifices are:
Hydrogen sulfide is produced in small amounts by some cells of the mammalian body and has a number of biological signaling functions.
Further tests showed that cryptochrome 1 and 2 genes are actively expressed throughout the mammalian body, in muscle, skin, brain and eye.
At the turn of the century much biomedical research was being done using animals and especially mammalian bodies to further biologists' understanding of life processes.
To support this large volume, the muscle cells are one of the very few in the mammalian body that contains several cell nuclei.
The worms followed the paths of nerve-tissue in their hosts, inducing pleasure in ex- change for food and shelter inside a mammalian body.
Freezing damage at liquid nitrogen temperature, while narrow in one sense, is vastly more extensive than a mammalian body can withstand or self-repair.
Type-I collagen, is present in many forms of connective tissue, and makes up about 25% of the total protein content of the mammalian body.
But it can freely draw upon its terrestrial experience, thanks to the immense data storage capacity of even a diminutive mammalian body.