On the first day, between 30 and 50 men comprised the entirety of Hecker's fighting force.
These men comprised the elite of the crew and their resistance would be hard to overcome.
These men comprise the real banking system of a country returning to economic patterns of the past.
Shadow, Hinzelmann, and a man named Brogan comprised one of the groups.
They and lay men and women comprise the administration, faculty, and staff of the school.
These men, plus the brothers of Hughes and their families, comprised Pahiatua's population the first summer.
These men all had contact with Edinburgh University, and comprise:
Although historically in the West men have comprised the majority of tattoo recipients, in the early 1990s, the practice gained popularity among women.
Of the 300 men comprising the battalion, only a few survived the battle.
"How many officers and men comprise her complement?"